Behind The Scenes – A Christmas Carol
Posted on: December 21, 2010Comments are off for this post
Our release of “Ruffus The Dog’s Christmas Carol” has been delayed to ensure we can give you the best production possible. Our shoot went extraordinarily well and the music from our composer, JP Houston, is outstanding.
We’re eager to show you what we’ve been up to these past few weeks but you’ll just have to be patient as we put the finishing touches on the show.
In the meantime, here’s a short “Behind-TheScenes” video put together by one of our talented puppeteers, Ben Deutsch from video and photos he shot with his wife, Tatiana Hernandez, who also worked on the show.
We’ll be posting more behind-the-scenes videos, photos and interviews over the coming months. And there are still some of the original episodes we haven’t released online yet!
As soon as we can we’ll be announcing the release date for “Ruffus The Dog’s Christmas Carol”.
Happy Holidays.